Upcoming Events

You will receive a letter from the Archbishop this week, asking for your support of the Archbishop’s Call to Share, which funds over 40 ministries in the Church of Northeast Kansas. Please read your letter and pray about what you can do this year, and return your completed pledge card in the collection next weekend.
Kami selaku situs togel terpercaya memiliki sistem penilaian dan peringkat yang memungkinkan pemain untuk menilai pengalaman mereka dan memberikan umpan balik. Sistem ini membantu calon pemain untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik berdasarkan ulasan dan rating dari pemain lain. Keberadaan sistem ini menunjukkan transparansi dan komitmen situs terhadap kualitas layanan.
Our parish goal is $83,979. Please consider a generous gift for the support of the ministries of the Church in Northeast Kansas!
Click here for more information on the Archbishop’s Call to Share: CalltoShare.org

Revelation: A Class with Fr. Barnabas
Fr. Barnabas will be teaching a course on Revelation on Tuesdays during the winter/spring (with encore sessions on Fridays) beginning this Tuesday, January 13, in the church basement. This class is open to anybody interested in learning more about the Book of Revelation and its role in our Catholic Faith. Please register for the class by contacting Veronica Hamer in the parish office at (785) 843-0109.
The class will use the book Coming Soon by Michael Barber. It is currently available on Amazon.com for $13. You are asked to purchase your own book for the course; however, if you cannot afford the book let Veronica know and she will get one for you.
Shop using Amazon Smile and you can support St. John! Choose St. John School with anything you purchase, St. John will receive 5% back! It is that easy! (Share this with friends and family.)
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: In Pictures
At midnight on the morning of December 12, a Mass was held at St. John the Evangelist to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This annual midnight Mass, offered by Fr. Jeff completely in Spanish, included mariachi music and a reception with authentic Mexican food.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the ritual and catechetical process for those adults discerning the call to be baptized or (for those already baptized) the call to full communion with the Catholic Church.
St. John’s RCIA meets each Monday from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the social hall beneath the church. Please come and join us!
Contact Michael Podrebarac, RCIA Coordinator, , for more information.
Online Giving
We are pleased to announce that we will be using a new system for our automatic tithing withdrawals. It is called Online Giving, and it will give you complete control over managing your automatic tithing to St. John.
If you are currently giving via automatic withdrawals from your checking account or credit card, switching to Online Giving is a two-step process. Step one is to set up an account with Online Giving, which can be done by clicking on the icon below:

Step two is to email Cris Denning at or call Cris at (785) 843-0109 and request that your tithing account be transferred to Online Giving. Once this transfer is complete in our system you will receive an email from St. John the Evangelist with instructions on how to complete your account set-up.
If you do not currently have automatic withdrawals for your tithing, then please consider enrolling in this new Online Giving program. It is convenient and safe! Just click on the Online Giving icon above.
When you participate your gift will be securely transferred directly into the parish bank account. And you won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays!
If you have any questions please contact Cris Denning by phone at (785) 843-0109 or by email at .
St. John Stewardship: I Am St. John
St. John Stewardship Covenant Renewal is here! Thank you to all for prayerfully discerning and completing a new Stewardship Packet for your prayer, generosity, and service to the parish.
The Stewardship Packets are available the back of the church. The packets are alphabetical by last name. This package will have your renewal forms in it. We would like to have all of your forms back to the parish by December 31, 2014. You can put these in the collection basket, drop/mail to the Parish Office, or send via backpack mail.All of the Stewardship forms are also available for download here: 2015 St. John Stewardship.
A special thank you to Rachel Myslivy for her incredibly hard work on the Stewardship Video. Thank you to all parish members for your continued prayer, generosity and service to St. John!