Youth Ministry

Click here to visit the St. John Youth Homepage.

Jennifer Meitl is the St. John Youth Director and contact person for both the middle school and high school youth ministries. She can be reached by phone (call or text), (785) 766-6189, or by email, .

Middle School Youth

This ministry meets on Wednesday nights during the school year from 7-8:30pm in the St. John School Gymnasium and includes both social and religious education opportunities for middle school students grades 6-8.

Wednesday night programming also includes the catechesis process for eighth grade students preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. Other events within this ministry (bowling nights, Church service workdays, youth adoration, etc.) exist to provide middle school youth opportunities to develop well-rounded skills in three developmental areas: spiritual, service, and social.

High School Youth

This ministry meets on Sunday nights during the school year from 6-7:30pm in the Youth House (1301 Vermont Street). High school age students grades 9-12 are invited to enjoy pizza, fellowship, and learn more about the Catholic faith. By addressing multiple topics of faith through different mediums, we see how the Catholic faith is relevant in our daily lives, and work to incorporate that faith into action.

Further opportunities to attend conferences, mission trips, and social events help to establish a true sense of community within St. John high school youth.

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