Ministries at St. John
Below is a list of ministries offered through St. John. If you have any questions or are interested in becoming involved with a particular ministry, please call or email the listed contact person. If you are unable to reach the contact, or no contact is currently listed, feel free to call or email the church office.
If you see the need for a particular ministry that is not currently listed below, and would like to talk to somebody about offering it at St. John, please contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Access Ministry
Inclusion at Mass and other celebrations of people with disabilities.
Contact: Susan Tabor, 841.3875
Adult Education
Spiritual growth opportunity. Held in St. John School on Sundays during the school year.
Every Thursday from 8am-midnight and every Friday from 8am-8am Saturday.
Contact: John & Shannon Rasmussen, 749-1015
Altar Servers
People who assist the priest at the Altar during Masses. Must be 4th graders or older. Training sessions are periodically provided by St. John for new servers.
Contact: Kathy Mulinazzi, 841-3645,
Click here to become familiar with the procedures of being an Altar Server.
Art and Environment
Committee decorates the interior/exterior of the Church to reflect the liturgical seasons.
Contact: Kathleen Ames-Oliver, 841-3405.
Buildings and Grounds Committee
This committee reviews repairs and maintenance of our Church grounds.
Cemetery – Mount Calvary Cemetery
Located at East 13th and Elmwood Streets. Cemetery plots available.
Contact: John Chavez, 842.5602; Parish Office, 843.0109
Centro Hispano Resource Center
Success By Six, and St. John collaborated to open the Centro Hispano Resource Center at St. John. The center assists the challenges faced by Latino immigrants, build awareness, work to improve access to services, and creating a positive integration experience for the community.
Contact: Lydia Leon, Director; Jose Marquez, Director
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
This ministry occurs during Mass. In another space, Liturgy of the Word is celebrated using approved translations of the scriptures for children. Children and adults return to Mass for the Eucharistic celebration.
Contact: Janet Gripka, 913.369.2889
Church Cleaning
Supplies provided. All are welcome. 2 hrs. on Sat. mornings.
Contact: Jeff Jenicke,
Elizabeth Ministry
Responds to women during childbearing years.
Contact: Holly Ostlund, 843.3287
Eucharistic Ministers
Assists the priest with Holy Communion during weekday, weekend, and special Masses.
Contact: Lisa Roush,
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound
People who receive additional training to take Holy Communion to those who are at home, in the hospital, or nursing home.
Contact: Elaine Skoch, 542.1864
Finance Council
This council monitors the budget and makes recommendations to the pastor and Pastoral Council.
Grief Group
Open to anyone struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one, relationship, job, etc. Part of the Health Cabinet Ministry.
Contact: Elaine Skoch, 542.1864
Health Cabinet
Committed people who work together with the Parish Nurses to form a plan to make health and wellness a part of our parish life and work.
Contact: Elaine Skoch, 542.1864
Helping Hand
Serving the elderly, homebound, widows/widowers, single parents and people recovering from illness or surgery that need a helping hand with light home repairs, yard work and general project assistance. If you need assistance or would like to help in this ministry, contact Steve Sickinger.
Contact: Steve Sickinger, 785-550-8395
High School Youth
This ministry meets on Sunday nights during the school year from 6-7:30pm in the Youth House (1301 Vermont Street). High school age students grades 9-12 are invited to enjoy pizza, fellowship, and learn more about the Catholic faith. By addressing multiple topics of faith through different mediums, we see how the Catholic faith is relevant in our daily lives, and work to incorporate that faith into action. Further opportunities to attend conferences, mission trips, and social events help to establish a true sense of community within St. John high school youth.
Contact: Jennifer Meitl | Youth Director | (785) 766-6189 (call or text) |
Ladies, Do Your Own Thing
Whatever you are working on, do it with friends . . . crafts, sewing, scrapbooking, quilting, beading, cross-stitch.
Contact: Shari Anderson 331.5797
Those who proclaim the scriptures and read the commentary at weekly, weekend, and Holy Day Masses.
Contact: AnnaMarie Hill, (785) 550-3596,
Long Range Planning Committee
Formed to develop a comprehensive plan for the parish including programs, ministries, and facilities.
Middle School Youth
This ministry meets on Wednesday nights during the school year from 7-8:30pm in the St. John School Gymnasium and includes both social and religious education opportunities for middle school students grades 6-8. Wednesday night programming also includes the catechesis process for eighth grade students preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. Other events within this ministry (bowling nights, Church service workdays, youth adoration, etc.) exist to provide middle school youth opportunities to develop well-rounded skills in three developmental areas: spiritual, service, and social.
Contact: Jennifer Meitl | Youth Director | (785) 766-6189 (call or text) |
Music Ministry
Provides music for weekend Masses, funerals, weddings, and special liturgical celebrations. Music Ministry includes Cantors, Celebration Singers, Jubilate, Our Lady of Guadalupe Choir (Spanish Mass), and the St. John Choir.
Contact: Lisa Roush | (785) 843-0109 |
Parish Activities
Plans group activities to build fellowship and community. Celebrations include: Christmas Caroling, Fall Dinner, Mardi Gras, Parish Picnic, Posada, Seder Meal, St. Patrick’s Day, Treats and Blessings for Halloween, etc.
Pastoral Council
Leadership council broadly representative of the parish who is responsible for setting and implementing parish goals.
Prayer Chain
Group of 30 men and women praying for your intentions.
Contact: Call the church office, 843-0109, if you have a prayer request or would like to volunteer.
Project Rachel
A healing ministry for men and women who are trying to heal from an abortion experience.
Contact: Kathleen Ames-Oliver, 841.3405 or 864.7413
Queen of Peace Prayer Group & Rosary
Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Meets Wednesdays at 5:30pm in the Church.
Contact: Virginia Short, 843-4461.
For those who want to learn more about the Catholic Church.
Contact: Michael Podrebarac at
Religious Education
Led by Pat Newton, RE Director, and Lois Mersmann, RE Assistant, this ministry educates the children of our parish ages 4 years old thru 9th grade through two programs: Traditional RE and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium.
Traditional RE Classes are held during the school year on Sunday mornings in St. John School. Classes end in May.
Contact: Pat Newton, RE Director, 843.9511; Lois Mersmann, RE Assistant, 843-0109
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium is a place of prayer created and built especially for the child, ages 3 to 12 in appropriate age groups. A small altar, a sacristy cabinet, a baptismal font, a prayer corner. There are shelves with small figures of Jesus, Mary, Gabriel, and Joseph…for moving and acting the life of Jesus. The children have exercises with scripture, gestures, and the traditions of the church. The Atrium is a place for children to nourish their relationship with God and encourage it to grow. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is also the primary way for non-Catholic children to prepare for initiation.
Contact: Marilee Quinn, Director.
There is also a Religious Education Council who assist with the Religious Education Program, assessing and advising.
Rummage House
Provides usable items at low cost. Adult volunteers needed to sort, stock, and cashier. Rummage House hours: Wed 11am-3pm, Thurs 1pm-4pm & Sat 8:30am-12:30pm.
Contact: Jeff Jenicke, 843.0109
Seniors on the Go
If you enjoy having fun and getting to know people, get involved! Most of our members are 55 or older.
Contact: John Callewaert 331.7732.
St. Clare Center
For those in need of assistance in our parish and community.
Contact: Sr. Marcella, 843.0109
St. John Elementary School
Led by Mrs. Pat Newton, Principal, the School was founded in 1956. Provides academic and religious education to children preschool – 6th grades.
Contact: Pat Newton, Principal, 843.9511; Linda Alexander, Secretary, 843.9511
Social Concerns Committee
Committee provides education and opportunities to live out the social Gospel, identifying social problems in our community and world.
Contact: Susan Tabor, 841.3875
Welcoming Committee
Share time getting to know new parishioners throughout the year. The Welcome Committee plans events for new parishioners and meets to brainstorm new ways to get these new parishioners involved in all St. John has to offer.
Contact: Tracey English, 832.9499
Young Adult Ministry
This ministry meets for Eucharistic Adoration twice a month (generally the first Wednesday and third Sunday of each month), and then goes out for food and fellowship afterwards at Saints at 23rd and Iowa. Young adults also have the opportunity to minister to the youth by volunteering to serve on the core team for the Wednesday night and Sunday night programming (see middle school and high school ministry descriptions). Anyone interested in establishing other opportunities should contact Jen or Father John to see if they can be implemented here at St. John.
Contact: Jennifer Meitl | Youth Director | (785) 766-6189 (call or text) |
Ministries in Our Community
Knights of Columbus
A Catholic fraternal, family and service organization dedicated to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.
Contact: Brian Walter, 766.1569
Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen, located at the First Christian Church, 1000 Kentucky St., provides hot meals. St. John’s take turns with other churches to furnish food and volunteers. Typically St. John hosts L.I.N.K. 7 times a year with over 55 parishioners volunteering per meal, mostly by preparing food that is delivered to the Parish Center and transported to L.I.N.K.
Other Ministries
Birthright, Daughters of Isabella, Trinity Interfaith Food Pantry, Forever Young, Habitat for Humanity, Lawrence Widowed Group, and Serra Club.