2008 Christmas and New Year’s Schedule

Tuesday, Dec. 23 at 6pm for a potluck in church basement. We will decorate the church at 6:45pm. Questions? Contact Kathleen Ames-Oliver at her e-mail  kames-oliver@ku.edu.


Mass for Healing

Tue, Dec 16 at 6:30pm


If you are ailing physically, hurting emotionally, suffering from the loss of a loved one or feeling spiritually empty, come join the Mass for Healing. In the season of Hope, we are celebrating Christ’s presence in our “healing journey.” Christ is familiar with the troubles of our lives. We need to allow him to be present to us and heal our spirits.

Communal Penance Services in Lawrence

December 4         7pm at St. Lawrence Center

December 17       7pm at St. John Church


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Each Saturday at 3pm-4pm


Mass Times

December 20, 21  Regular Sunday Mass

     Sat: 4:30pm, Sun: 7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5pm


December 24 Christmas Vigil Mass

     4:30pm, 7pm and 11pm


December 25 Christmas Day Mass

     8am, 10am


December 26, 27, 29, 30

     Communion Services


December 27, 28 Regular Sunday Mass

     Sat: 4:30pm, Sun: 7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5pm


December 31 New Year’s Eve

     4:30pm  Mary Mother of God Holy Day Vigil


January 1 New Year’s Day

     9am  Mary Mother of God Holy Day


Simon Parish Center Christmas Office Hours

December 24, 25, and 26

     Simon Parish Center Offices Closed

     Rummage House Closed


December 27

     Rummage House Open 8:30am-12:30pm


December 29, 30

     Simon Parish Center Offices Open 10am-2pm

     Rummage House Closed


December 31 and January 1

     Simon Parish Center Offices Closed

     Rummage House Closed


January 2

  Simon Parish Center Offices resumes normal business hours on Fridays 10am-2pm.


January 3

     Rummage House Open 8:30am-12:30pm


St. John School Closed

December 22, 2008 - January 2, 2009

School resumes January 5, 2009

The Giving Tree is a long standing tradition at St. John Church, allowing parishioners to purchase gifts or give monetary donations anonymously for the poor of our community, parishioners and non-parishioners. Read the church bulletin to learn all about the details of this blessed tradition. Questions?  Call Judy Parker, Director of Social Service Ministries, jlparker@saint-johns.net, 843.0109.

Knights of Columbus Annual Christmas Party

Sun, Dec 14  at 2pm-4pm

Knights of Columbus Hall, 2206 E. 23rd St.

All are welcome. Special visit from Santa. Bring a snack or treat to share with friends. RSVP names and ages of children and guests who want to sit with Santa to: Brian Walter, 749-5785, 766-1569 or walterpack@sunflower.com

Christmas Caroling

for 7th & 8th graders

Sat, Dec 13


Grab your coats and join the fun. We are caroling to parishioners who are homebound or in nursing homes. Songbooks provided. If you know someone who we should go caroling to, contact Sr. Marcella in the church office at

churchoffice@saint-johns.net, 843.0109. Christmas carolers go to Royal Crest Lanes for bowling after caroling.

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