SHOP Box Tops has partnered with dozens of popular online stores to help you earn even more cash for your school. At the Box Tops Marketplace, you can shop at over 60 online stores including JCPenney and Lands� End. A portion of every qualifying purchase is automatically donated to your school � all at no additional cost to you! Click here to connect to Box Tops and sign up for the Box Tops Marketplace |
CLIP Clip Box Tops from your favorite brands. The original Box Tops program keeps getting better! As always, you can find the familiar 10� Box Tops coupon on hundreds of your family�s favorite products from General Mills. Now you can find Box Tops in more grocery aisles than ever before.
Clip Box Tops Coupons. Save Box Tops coupons from hundreds of General Mills products throughout your grocery store. You'll find Box Tops on many of your favorite brands that you use every day.
Bring Coupons to St. John School. Turn in your Box Tops to the school or parish office. The school will collect submitted Box Tops and send them to General Mills.
St. John School Gets a Check. General Mills will send the school a check worth 10� for each Box Top coupon redeemed. We can earn a maximum of $20,000 annually so encourage parents, parish members, neighbors, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles to save their Box Tops.
Each Box Tops coupon is worth 10� and will be honored through its printed expiration date.
Look for the official Box Tops coupon on participating products. Depending upon the product, you will find one of two official Box Tops coupons on the package. |