Monday, January 19th
“Our relationship with God will not grow if we do not spend time with Him in prayer!”
Baby Dominic is here!
Dominic Blaise Conrad was born on Monday, January 4, at 8:23 a.m. by emergency c-section! He weighs 8 lbs and is 20 inches long. Baby Dominic spent a brief period of time in the NICU after his birth, but is now out and spending all his time with mom and dad. It was a crazy morning, but God always provides!
New Year, New You!
This Sunday, January 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Come and celebrate the New Year–again! Enjoy food, music, and games while we make some new year’s resolutions that can last throughout the year. Text Pete at 785-393-2934 to let him know you’re coming and if you want pizza…everybody is invited, bring your friends!
Reservoir Adoration
This Wednesday, January 14, 7:30-8:30 p.m. in the church. Come spend an hour with Jesus! Bring any prayer materials…rosary, bible, journal…and prepare your heart to enter into a conversation with God in front of the Blessed Sacrament. All are invited.
Ice Skating at Crown Center!
Sunday, January 18, 6:15-9:30 p.m. Come one, come all, and bring FRIENDS to go ice skating at Crown Center. Meet outside the Church at 6:15 p.m. to load on a bus to head to KC to go ice skating! We will skate for an hour or two, and then hit up the Waffle House on the way home! You will need a permission form to attend, so print one off here and be sure to have it completed and with you when you come on Sunday: Crown Center Ice Skating Permission Form. Fee for skating/skate rental/transportation is $15 (see permission form). We suggest students bring another $5 to $10 for food at Waffle House if they want to eat!
January 14: The ROCK meets from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
This night there will also be Reservoir Adoration from 7:30-8:30 p.m. in the church. Come spend an hour with Jesus! Bring any prayer materials…rosary, bible, journal…and prepare your heart to enter into a conversation with God in front of the Blessed Sacrament. All are invited.
Ice Skating at Crown Center!
Sunday, January 18, 6:15-9:30 p.m. Come one, come all, and bring FRIENDS to go ice skating at Crown Center. Meet outside the Church at 6:15 p.m. to load on a bus to head to KC to go ice skating! We will skate for an hour or two, and then hit up the Waffle House on the way home! You will need a permission form to attend, so print one off here and be sure to have it completed and with you when you come on Sunday: Crown Center Ice Skating Permission Form. Fee for skating/skate rental/transportation is $15 (see permission form). We suggest students bring another $5 to $10 for food at Waffle House if they want to eat!
Youth Rally
Sunday, February 22, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Head out to Prairie Star Ranch with your peers to experience a cool day of reflection with one thousand other teens from the Archdiocese. Leave at 9am from the parking lot of St. John, and celebrate Mass with the Archbishop at 3pm, returning home around 5pm. We will take care of registration, but be sure to fill out a permission form and bring $10: Youth Rally at Prairie Star Permission Form.
More information about the day should be updated soon here:
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We’re on our knees
We’re on our knees”
Hillsong United, check out their band here:
Hillsong United: Hosanna
These lyrics have been speaking to me a lot in the past month or so. We kicked off January with an incredible retreat, and then last Sunday we had a full room of young people praising God and yearning for Jesus. I can tell you that the Holy Spirit is onto something big here.
We’ve been talking with the students about the need to literally “hit our knees” in prayer, and get rid of some of the distractions in our daily lives. See this great letter from our worship leader Pete Haack for some of the thoughts he had following the retreat. We’ve also been talking to them about the role that their cell phones and social media play in their lives. I think we can all agree that it doesn’t necessarily equate to “prayerful”, and that sometimes that little phone in itself can take up a big portion of our day.
We encouraged the students this week to take increasing their prayer time in small increments–five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the evening to touch base with God (perhaps on their knees right beside their beds). We completed this study on YDisciple. I encourage you to check out what your students are learning. Log in (upper right hand corner) is stjohns-lawrence and the password is ydstjohns. Click on the right hand link: “Intellectual Formation”, then “YD Talks.” We worked through the information in the fairst Prayer series: “Why Pray?” Feel free to go on and watch the videos yourselves and engage your students over the next few weeks before your student comes to small group the week of January 28.
As parents, YOU guys are the biggest formators of faith for your teen. Maybe prayer is a struggle for you too, so help your teen to know that it is okay to struggle in this journey. One thing that has really helped me “stay on track” this semester has been to sign up for an hour of silent adoration at St. John. That way, my prayer time is scheduled, and I don’t have to even think twice about “when I’m going to fit it all in.” I encourage you to do the same; contact Lou Musante at if you are interested in volunteering for this ministry! I can’t say it enough: Our relationship with God will not grow if we do not spend time with Him in prayer! Consistent prayer will help you to put all things in your life in the right order, and will truly grant you peace of heart through Jesus Christ.
Hope that the beginning of the semester madness is starting to wind down; contact me with questions about any of these events or about getting your teen plugged into our small group ministry! Sorry that I had so much to say this week; the Holy Spirit is just doing SUCH great things! Thanks for letting me have the best job in the universe. Love you all.
Jen Meitl Conrad
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