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Our Parish Staff is located in the Simon Parish Center which is located next to St. John the Evangelist Church. Parish Staff are available by appointment if you need assistance after office hours. Please  e-mail or call the Simon Parish Center at 843-0109.



Fr. John Schmeidler, OFM, Cap., Pastor

Fr. Curtis Carlson, OFM, Cap., Assistant Pastor

Nickie Daneke, Catholic Charities

Cris Denning, Business Manager

Pat Newton, Principal of St. John School and RE Director

Sr. Marcella Schrant, Office Assistant

Lois Mersmann, Religious Education Assistant

Lisa Roush, Director of Music

Michael Podrebarac, Director of RCIA

Lydia Diebolt, Centro Hispano

Karen Dixon, Director of Technology

Jane Ellen Liebert, Director of Development

Jennifer Meitl, Youth Minister

María Mota, Catecismo en Español



St. John Church


1229 Vermont  Lawrence, Kansas  66044  785.843.0109

Simon Parish Center  |  1229 Vermont Street

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