Lisa Roush

Lisa Roush

Lisa Roush

I was born and raised in Chanute, KS, and graduated from Benedictine College in Atchison, KS in 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music. I came to Lawrence in the fall of 1997 and began playing piano with a group of musicians for Mass at Corpus Christi parish, singing in choir at the St. Lawrence Center, and attending daily Mass at St. John.

Through all of these activities I gained knowledge and experience, and earned more and more responsibility with each passing semester at St. Lawrence as an organist, then assistant music director, and eventually interim music director before coming to St. John in 2004 as Music Director and organist for the parish.

My duties at St. John include: Planning and preparing music, choir and cantors for the Saturday 4:30 pm, Sunday 7 am and 8:30 am Masses and Holy Day Masses; coordinating with our talented music leaders at 10:30 am, 1 pm and 5 pm Sunday Masses; coordinating music and musicians for weddings, quinceaneras and funerals; working with Spanish children’s choir; assisting with school Mass and music programs.

I also teach a few piano lessons and have been enjoying making new music with Darci Depenbusch and Pete Haack. I enjoy cooking and crocheting whenever I get free time!

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